AJA Link Information Services Regulations : YoutubeMp3

AJA Link Call Center, Updated and Official Information Center

As a large company, PT Fintek Karya Nusantara offers LinkAja call center services  for all  holders.

To register as linkAja holder, a different process and requirements are quite long. As a modern financial institution using the latest technological data is very important. In order to provide ease of transaction but still prioritize the security of data holders.

You don’t have to worry if you have to meet the requirements for personal information to connect with linkAja services. Because privacy is still intended by maintaining a data security system of data theft. Given that the registration process must use personal data as the main condition.

It is very important to note what ways to contact linkAja call center provided many ways to make you feel comfortable and safer if at any time there are obstacles this includes asking for important information from CS directly to feel safe when using it.

Services provided by AJA Link and its types

Linkaja is an electronic financial services managed by PT Fintek Karya Nusantara or known as Finara. Its performance is the same, i.e. it is valid as a means of payment in various declared transactions. The system is that cash is first deposited into Fineria’s account and then transactions of the same value can be used.

Any funds going to personal accounts are not deposited or savings as in bank financial institutions. So never expect any interest on the money you deposit. The service is registered and monitored by Bank of Indonesia and if it is not clear, you can contact LinkAja Call Centre.

Finneria will register an account number for only one phone number or vice versa. You can’t create two different accounts even if you use another phone number. So one can be assured that there is no double account of the same person where one person can only register once.

Two types of Finria services are provided for holders, the first is basic services for new holders. You can use service facilities to increase your balance, pay transactions and pay bills. As well as various other facilities, of course, have been approved or approved by the Bank of Indonesia.

Other types of services can be used by LinkAja holders, i.e. full service which is much more complete, such as:

  1. High up balance
  2. Pay transactions
  3. Pay bills
  4. Cash withdrawals
  5. Dana Transfer
  6. Distribution of funds to third parties
  7. Other facilities based on BI approval

If you feel uncertain about the service information, you can immediately contact linkAja’s call center to get the information you need, especially if you are new and want to register in Finria immediately, the clearer the information obtained, the more confident you are to create an account immediately.

How toenable new AJA link holders

Anyone who wants to use linkAja services should activate it first. Activation is done because an account is for only one phone number and one person. Here’s how to activate the terms to the registration process and the terms should be understood by new users.

  1. General conditions

There are general requirements that you must meet and can be asked directly at linkAja call center.  Like using a phone number should still be active or not blocked from the provider’s network, activating in the various media that are specified and now much easier to process.

  1. Registration Process

Holders who have not registered the data will be placed in the category of basic services with various facilities obtained. Once registered, you can go to full service but must try and try to pass due. There are documents that must be deposited as a condition to enjoy Fineria’s services.

  1. Finneria Conditions

Fineria reserves the right to refuse an application for a new registration, promotion at any discretion and for any reason. And exempt from all claims of any kind relating to the cancellation or rejection process. It has become a Finneria offering and is still given approval to the holder for mutual convenience.

Inf Ormasi services provided by LinkAja forholders

AJA Link deliberately provides Linka’s call center services  for its holders to  provide the best  service, as a professional company that cares about input, criticism and disclosure of information, it is no surprise that various ways to use CS services are provided so that you can provide information or complaints easily.

  1. Written by email

You can send a text message to the AJA link with a clear and dereid about what you want to transfer. Just send it to the email address info@linkaja.id as the service is open 24 hours. Don’t forget to attach the holder data so that it can be answered as soon as possible by the administrator and provide a clear subject.

  1. Live chat service on the website

There is also a service through the website, namely live chat, which is available on the homepage and at the bottom right. Notice that there is a small box that says chat with an expert and then just click on it. Enter your first name, last name, email and mobile number, and then you can start chatting.

  1. By phone

Information from linkAja call center  can be  made using a phone call. please call the 150911 operators in Indonesia during business hours or office hours there are fees that must be paid at local rates according to the relevant operator.

  1. Various other ways

Another way that can be used is to use LinkAja service points spread throughout Indonesia. And just come to digital financial services partner (LKD) to get full information. It is not difficult to find because the service has already been expanded and can be freely used by holders.

AJA Link Information Services Regulations

Linkaja is always open to various questions, complaints, complaints and various other things about the service. However, because the number of holders has been very large throughout Indonesia until now. So that makes a lot of questions and complaints come in so that there are provisions in providing answers.

All questions, complaints or complaints get answers from linkAja call center  because the regulations are in  place. Finara as administrator confirms the data because it only accepts from link holders in addition, there may be a refusal if it does not match the previously verified data of the holder.

Finneria will investigate complaints submitted through the services of accounts, or phones, emails, live chats or others. Usually the complaint is processed in a period of more than2 weeks, so if you do not receive any answers to questions and complaints, you can be assured that they  will be rejected.

AJA Link is an electronic financial service that is very popular among people in Indonesia. Services like this are widely used because they are intended to provide convenience and still pay attention to transaction security. There is also a LinkAja call center  that makes it easier for holders to find information in different ways provided  .

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